Since its foundation in 1964, METU Computer Center (CC) has been providing the necessary Information Technologies services in the field of education/training and research activities of our University. In this context, the Center continues to work with the aim of providing integrated services such as user services, software automation systems, wired / wireless network services, server hosting, information and information security. The organizational structure consists of 9 Groups, 3 Units, 1 Coordination Office. CC has many firsts among the universities in Turkey. Some of them include providing Turkey's first Internet connection, the launch of the first wireless network services, first interactive records on web, and first electronic journal. In 2015, the Center was awarded the ISO 27001: 2013 Information Security Management System certification and since then it has been providing services on the principles of privacy, integrity and accessibility. The services are provided uninterruptedly on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, in line with current technology for our academic and administrative staff, students, alumni and other external users. The activities of the Center are being carried out in line with the goals stated in the Strategic Plan of our University. The student portal was opened, a new electronic document management system was introduced, a mobile application was developed, and activities such as wireless network expansion were carried out in line with the objective of "Integration and dissemination of information systems and provision of information and services in time, independent of location and easy access" in the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan of the University. The users are supported by the Information Support Team regarding all the services provided and the users are directed to the Frequently Asked Questions pages ( for the problems they may encounter. The website of the Computer Center can be assessed at, or calling Information Support Team on 2103301 and sending an e-mail to